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Posts tagged ‘object’

Homonyms & Homographs

HOMONYMS are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Homophones are a type of homonym that also sound alike and have different meanings, but have different spellings KIRJOITUSASU.

HOMOGRAPHS are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Heteronyms are a type of homograph that are also spelled the same and have different meanings, but sound different.

This August – Stay tuned for a new one every day!

August 31st (thirty-first)

Mike’s loving compliment (1) about Nikki’s new dress made her feel beautiful. The shiny silver shoes complement (2) Nikki’s new black dress beautifully.  They got a complimentary (3) bottle of wine because the kitchen had burned their food.

Sanat 1 ja 2 lausutaan samalla tavalla!

(1) compliment  – (LAUSUA) KOHTELIAISUUS
Listen to audio/ˈkɑ:mpləmənt/

(2) to complement – TÄYDENTÄÄ
Listen to audio/ˈkɑ:mpləmənt/

(3) complimentary – ILMAINEN

August 30th (thirtieth)


Sherry insured (1) her crystal figurine to cover the cost of a new one in case this one ever breaks.
Sherry’s crystal figurine is in a special box to
 ensure (2) extra protection from breaking.

(1) to insure – VAKUUTTAA
an insurance – VAKUUTUS

(2) to ensure – TAATA, VARMISTAA

1 ja 2 lausutaan samalla tavala!

August 29th (twenty-ninth
 –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

I’d rather cook at home than (1) go out to eat. Let’s eat first and then (2)  go shopping.

(1) than – KUIN
– kun vertailet COMPARISON!

(2) then – SITTEN
– kun puhut ajasta TIME!

August 28th (twenty-eighth) –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

The disco strobe light is a cool special effect (1).
 The disco strobe light affects (2) my ability KYKY to see straight SUORAAN.

(1) an effect – VAIKUTUS
to have an effect ON something
effective – TEHOKAS
Listen to audio/ɪˈfɛkt/

(2) to affect – VAIKUTTAA, KOSKETTAA (tunteellisesti)
Listen to audio/əˈfɛkt/

Vain alkukirjain lausutaan eri lailla.

August 27th (twenty-seventh) –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

She could not live (1) with a live (2) mouse in the house.

(1) to live – ASUA, ELÄÄ
lausutaan lyhyellä i:llä: Listen to audio/ˈlɪv/

(2) live – ELÄVÄ; SUORA (TV)
lausutaan ai:lla: Listen to audio/ˈlaɪv/

huom! a life – ELÄMÄ

August 26th (twenty-sixth) –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

I had to subject (1) the subject (2) to a series of tests.

(1) to subject – ALISTAA
paino on lopussa: subJECT  Listen to audio/səbˈʤɛkt/

(2) a (test)  subject = a person or animal that is used in an experiment, study TUTKIMUS, etc.  (myös: AIHE, OPPIAINE, SUBJEKTI)
paino on alussa: SUBject  Listen to audio/ˈsʌbʤɪkt/

August 25th (twenty-fifth–> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

You should spring (1) that on us next spring (2)! I love the spring (3) behind our house. The springs (4) of the car are broken!

Kaikki lausutaan samalla tavalla.

(1) to spring (something) on (someone) = to surprise someone with something –  YLLÄTTÄÄ JOLLAKIN
▪ You should try to prepare them for your decision instead of just springing it on them suddenly.

(2) spring – KEVÄT

(3) a spring – LÄHDE
spring water / bottled water PULLOVESI vs. (versus VASTAAN)  tap water HANAVESI

(4) a spring – JOUSI
▪ The mattress is old and some of the springs are broken.

MORE idioms with SPRING: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/spring

August 24th (twenty-fourth–> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

We would probably read (1) more Shakespeare if we understood what we read (2).

This one is easy!
to read (1), read (2), read (2):
(1) LUKEA, rhymes with meet, feet, speed
(2) LUKI, LUKENUT, rhymes with red, fed, let, met
▪ I read (1) the red newspaper every day. LUEN PUNAISTA LEHTEÄ JOKA PÄIVÄÄ
▪ I read (2) the red newspaper yesterday. LUIN PUNAISEN LENDEN EILEN (read ja red lausutaan samalla tavalla!)
▪ I have read (3) the newspaper since SIITÄ LÄHTIEN KUN I was 12. OLEN LUKENUT

August 23rd (twenty-third) –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

It was just a minute (1) prick PISTO and over in a minute (2). The meeting minutes (3) were discussed in minute (1) detail.

(1) minute
Listen to audio/maɪˈnu:t/, Brit /maɪˈnju:t/ eli sanan alkuosa lausutaan “my” ja loppuosa  kuten “flute, boot, root”. Paino on loppussa.
= PIENENPIENI ▪ There were minute particles of dust in the air.
= YKSITYISKOHTAINEN ▪ She told him what happened in minute detail.

(2) a minute – MINUUTTI
Listen to audio/ˈmɪnət/
paino on alussa

(3) minutes – PÖYTÄKIRJA
paino on alussa

August 22nd (twenty-second–> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

How can I intimate (1) this to my most intimate (2)  friend

(1) to intimate – VIHJAILLA
Listen to audio/ˈɪntəˌmeɪt/ lopussa siis kuuluu sana eight (8)

(2) intimate – LÄHEINEN
Listen to audio/ˈɪntəmət/ lopussa  kuuluu sana but

Intimate tarkoittaa myös  HENKILÖKOHTAINEN, INTIIMI

August 21st (twenty-first)    –> luvut 21-99 saavat väliviivan!

Upon seeing the tear (1) in my clothes I shed a tear (2).

I have to tear myself away from (3) this enthralling KIEHTOVA book!

(1) a tear – REPEÄMÄ
(2) a tear – KYYNEL
to shed a tear = to cry, to weep
▪ They shed tears of joy when they heard the news.
▪ I never saw my father shed a single tear, even when my mother died.
(3) to tear  yourself away from something – IRTAUTUA, LÄHTEÄ, LOPETTAA
▪ I needed to leave the party, but I couldn’t tear myself away. (= I did not want to leave)
▪ She couldn’t tear him away from the TV. (= He did not want to stop watching TV)

all are pronounced in the same way Listen to audio/ˈtiɚ/; rhymes with beer, fear, clear, here

August 20th (twentieth):

peas – HERNEET                   (pitkä -i-  / viimeinen kirjain lausutaan Z:ksi)
peace – RAUHA                     (pitkä -i-  / viimeinen kirjain lausutaan S:ksi)
piece – PALA                           (pitkä -i-  / viimeinen kirjain lausutaan S:ksi)
piss = a rude word for pee (lyhyt -i– / viimeinen kirjain lausutaan S:ksi)

Here’s a video on the matter ASIA (click the peas to go to the video). Do have a look. The third minute brought a smile of amusement to Krista’s face 🙂

August 19th (nineteenth):

After a number (1) of injections my jaw got number (2).

(1) a number of – MUUTAMA
lausutaan samalla tavalla kun number – NUMERO  Listen to audio/ˈnʌmbɚ/

vertailumuodot: number / more numb, the numbest / the most numb
got number = became number
b EI lausuta!!  Listen to audio/ˈnʌm/
▪ The side of my face was still numb an hour after the surgery.
▪ It was so cold that my fingers went numb.

August 18th (eighteenth):

The wind (1) was too strong to wind (2) the sail. He was so winded(3)  that he passed wind (4).

Vain #2 lausutaan eri lailla!

(1) wind – TUULI
Listen to audio/ˈwɪnd/

(2) to wind – KELATA
rhymes with kind, behind, find Listen to audio/ˈwaɪnd/

(3) to be winded = to be out of breath – HENGÄSTYNYT
Listen to audio/ˈwɪndəd/

(4) to pass wind = to pass gass = to fart – PIERAISTA
Listen to audio/ˈwɪnd/

August 17th (seventeenth):

To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow (1)  to sow (2).

(1) a sow is a fully grown female pig – EMAKKO
rhymes with how, cow  Listen to audio/ˈsaʊ/

(2) to sow – OMMELLA
rhymes with flow, bow, row  Listen to audio/ˈsoʊ/

You reap what you sow. MITÄ KYLVÄÄ, SITÄ NIITTÄÄ

August 16th (sixteenth):

They sent a sewer (1) down to stitch the tear (a) in the sewer (2) line. It stank so much the sewer (1) got tears (b) in her eyes.

(1) a sewer – OMPELIJA
this word is pronounced with an o  Listen to audio/ˈsowɚ/
to sow OMMELLA rhymes with flow, bow, row
(2) a sewer – VIEMÄRI
Listen to audio/ˈsu:wɚ/
rhymes with fewer, brewer OLUENPANIJA

line  – PUTKI
Listen to audio/ˈfawəl/

(a) a tear – REPEÄMÄ
(b) a tear – KYYNEL
both MOLEMMAT are pronounced in the same way Listen to audio/ˈtiɚ/; rhymes with beer, fear, clear, here

August 15th (fifteenth):

The buck does (1) funny things when the does (2) are present.

(1) to do: I do, he/she/it DOES, you do; we do, you do, they do – TEHDÄ
rhymes with bus Listen to audio/ˈdʌz/

(2) a doe, 2 does TAI 2 doe – NAARAS
rhymes with close Listen to audio/ˈdoʊs/

a buck – UROS
present – LÄSNÄ
“The buck stops here” means that you accept a responsibility VASTUU and will not try to give it to someone else.
▪ I’m willing to accept the blame SYY for what happened. The buck stops with me.

August 14th (fourteenth):

They were too close (1)  to the door to close (2)  it.

(1) close – LÄHELLÄ
The last sound ÄÄNI is an S   Listen to audio/ˈkloʊs/

(2) to close – SULKEA
The last sound ÄÄNI is a Z   Listen to audio/ˈkloʊz/

“Close but no cigar” is used to say that a guess ARVAUS was almost correct or that an effort YRITYS was almost good enough.
▪ “Was I right?” “Close, but no cigar.”
▪ We were close but no cigar.

August 13th (thirteenth):

There was a row (1) among the oarsmen about how to row (2).

(1) a row – RIITA
rhymes with now, cow  Listen to audio/ˈraʊ/

(2) to row – SOUTAA
rhymes with snow, blow, flow   Listen to audio/ˈroʊ/

August 12th (twelfth):

The insurance was invalid (1)  for the invalid (2).

paino sanan keskellä (inVAlid)  Listen to audio/ɪnˈvæləd/
▪ an invalid argument

(2) an invalid – INVALIDI, VAMMAINEN
paino sanan alussa (INvalid)  Listen to audio/ˈɪnvələd/
▪ She cares for her invalidhusband at home.

August 11th (eleventh):

In the future, please say “I object”
rather than “that’s total bullshit.”

I did not object (1)  to the object(2).

(1) to object – VASTUSTAA
paino on lopussa Listen to audio/əbˈʤɛkt/
▪ Many people object to [=do not like] the amount of violence on television.

(2) an object – TAVOITE; ESINE
paino on alussa Listen to audio/ˈɑ:bʤɪkt/
▪ His object is to determine how much the business will cost to operate.
▪ There were three objects in the box: a comb, a pen, and a button.

August 10th (tenth):

The 2 boys had 2 much 2 do, 2.

Kaikki lausutaan samalla tavalla!

(1) the 2 boys = the TWO boys – KAKSI

(2) had 2 much = had TOO much – LIIAN PALJON

(3) 2 do = TO do

(4) …, 2. = …, TOO
too takoittaa myös MYÖS 🙂 Esim. She had too much to do, TOO.

August 9th (ninth):

When shot at, the dove (1) dove (2) into the bushes.

(1) a dove – KYYHKY
rhymes with love   Listen to audio/ˈdʌv/

(2) to dive, dived/dove, dived – SUKELTAA
The British only use “dived”, but Canadians and Americans use “dived” and “dove”. Both are correct – dived is more common.

dove – rhymes with stove, loaf – LEIPÄ, oaf – ÄÄLIÖ  Listen to audio/ˈdoʊv/

August 8th (eighth):

A bass (1)  was painted on the head ETUOSA of the bass (2).

(1) a bass – MERIAHVEN
– rhymes with class, has, gas  Listen to audio/ˈbæs/
– monikko on sama: 1 bass, 2 bass
▪ She caught three bass.
▪ We had bass for dinner.

(2) a bass – BASSO (myös bassokitara)
– rhymes with face, lace, case  Listen to audio/ˈbeɪs/
– monikko basses
▪ She plays (the) bass.
▪ The song has a loud/heavy/booming bass.
▪ He has a deep bass voice.

August 7th (seventh):

The present (1) is a good time to present (2) the present (3).

(1) , (3) ja (4) lausutaan ihan samalla lailla! Paino on alussa: PREsent (lyhyt vokaali) Listen to audio/ˈprɛzn̩t/

(1) the present – NYKYHETKI
Listen to audio/ˈprɛzn̩t/

(2) to present – ANTAA, OJENTAA; ESITELLÄ
paino on sanan lopussa (presENT), alussa lyhyt i  Listen to audio/prɪˈzɛnt/

(3) a present – LAHJA
Listen to audio/ˈprɛzn̩t/

And a fourth one:
(4) present – LÄSNÄ, PAIKALLA
Listen to audio/ˈprɛzn̩t/
▪ the present [=current TÄMÄNHETKINEN] situation
▪ The students are all present and accounted for.

August 6th (sixth):

The soldier, who missed his desserts (1), decided to desert (2) in the desert (3).

(1) ja (2) lausutaan ihan samalla lailla! Paino on lopussa (a dessERT, to desERT). Alussa kuulluu – i – ääni.

(1) a dessert – JÄLKIRUOKA (on niin namia, että haluat niitä 2, eli 2 kertaa S!)
Listen to audio/dɪˈzɚt/
▪ Coffee and tea will be served TARJOILLAAN with dessert.
▪ We had ice cream and apple pie for dessert.

(2) to desert – HYLÄTÄ, KARATA (toinen S on karannut)
Listen to audio/dɪˈzɚt/
▪ The inhabitants ASUKAS had deserted the town.
▪ She had been married for just over a year when her husband deserted her.

(3) a desert – AAVIKKO, AUTIOMAA (toinen S on kuollut janoon)
Paino on alussa (DEsert)
Listen to audio/ˈdɛzɚt/
▪ The region ALUE  is mostly desert.
▪ For many years, the city was a cultural desert, but now there are several museums and also a concert hall.

(picture source: shapenut.com)

August 5th (fifth):

He could lead (1) if he got the lead (2) out.

(1) to lead – JOHTAA, OHJATA / the lead – JOHTO, JOHTOASEMA
lausutaan pitkällä vokaalilla (pitkä ii) (rhymes with feed, read, meet): Listen to audio/ˈli:d/

(2) lead – LYIJY
lausutaan lyhyellä vokaalilla (rhymes with bed, head): Listen to audio/ˈlɛd/

“get the lead out” = to begin going or moving more quickly
▪ Get the lead out! If we don’t leave in five minutes we’ll be late for the movie!

August 4th (fourth):

We must polish (1) the Polish (2) furniture.

(1) to polish – KIILOTTAA; polish – KIILOTE
lausutaan lyhyellä O:lla Listen to audio/ˈpɑ:lɪʃ/

(2) Polish – puolalainen; kaikki kansallisuussanat aina isolla
lausutaan pitkällä O:lla Listen to audio/ˈpoʊlɪʃ/

nail polish – KYNSILAKKA
car polish – AUTOVAHA
shoe polish – KENGÄNKIILOTE
silver polish – HOPEANKIILOTE
to polish something off tarkoittaa, että joku syö kaiken:Who polished the cake off? Who polished off the cake?

(picture source manicureaddict.com)

August 3rd (third):

The dump was so full that it had to refuse (1) more refuse (2).

(1) to refuse – KIELTÄÄ, KIELTÄYTYÄ
paino on sanan lopussa (reFUSE), lopussa Z-ääni    Listen to audio/rɪˈfju:z/
▪ The offer was too good to refuse. [=the offer was so good that I had to accept it]
▪ They asked her to help but she refused [=she did not want to help]
▪ They refused him a visa. [=they did not give him a visa] 

(2) refuse (ainesana, aina ilman artikkelia) – JÄTTEET, ROSKAT
paino on sanan alussa (REfuse), lopussa S-ääni   Listen to audio/ˈrɛˌfju:s/
= trash, garbage
▪ This pile KASA of refuse has to be thrown away immediately!

to take a dump – PASKANTAA (alatyyli)
dumb – TYPERÄ – viimeinen kirjain B ei lausuta Listen to audio/ˈdʌm/

August 2nd (second):

The farm was used to produce (1)  produce (2).

(1) to produce – TUOTTAA, VALMISTAA
paino on sanan lopussa (proDUCE)    Listen to audio  /prəˈdu:s, Brit prəˈdju:s/
Brittienglanniksi on vielä j-ääni mukana, amerikan englanniksi ei.

(2) produce = fresh fruits HELDELMÄT and vegetables VIHANNEKSET (TUOTTEET, TUOTANTO)
paino on sanan alussa (PROduce)   Listen to audio  /ˈproʊˌdu:s, Brit ˈprɒˌdju:s/
Produce  on ainesana (kuten kahvia, sokeria), eli aina ilman artikkelia)

(a PROduct, PROducts – TUOTE, TUOTTEET)

August 1st (first):

The bandage was wound (1) around the wound (2).

to wind, wound, wound (pronounced like sound)
kietoa, keriä

= to wrap (something, such as a string NARU) around something.
▪ She wound the scarf around her neck.
▪ The machine winds the tape NAUHA from one reel KELA to the other.

a wound; to wound (pronounced like moon, soon)
haava; haavoittaa, loukata (kuvaannollisesti)

= an injury that is caused when a knife, bullet, etc., cuts or breaks the skin
▪ He fell down and got a big wound on his knee.
= a feeling of sadness, anger, etc., that is caused by something bad that has happened to you
▪ Talking about her divorce opened up some old wounds. [=she felt anger, sadness, etc.]

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